John Dunn
918.526.8000 |
Some have described me as “unwavering”
when it comes to principles. Others say that I exhibit the trait of
"loyalty to a fault" or that I am "utterly relentless” when pursuing an
objective. As your attorney, I promise to be a loyal advocate and to be
unwavering in the pursuit of your goals. I am a zealous advocate
that does not shy away from conflict and litigation. I believe that the
strongest weapon that an attorney can have is knowledge of his case. I
will aggressively prepare your case for litigation while attempting to
resolve the issues on favorable terms - a kind of "peace through
strength" approach to the practice of law.
What do other lawyers say?
"In this day of large law firms and
multi-million dollar budgets for state and federal governments, don't
ever forget that ONE dedicated and talented criminal defense lawyer took
on the entire state of Oklahoma Department of Corrections, Attorney
General's Office and beat the hell out of them. Who says the days
of the solo practitioner and Lone Wolf are gone? Not me."
- Jack Dempsey Pointer
Former President of the Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
What to do if
Arrested Or
Charged |
Minors & DWI |
FAQ's about DWI
DUI Frequently Asked Questions
Q: |
What is the legal limit? |
A: |
Under Oklahoma law, if a breath test or blood test yields a
blood alcohol content of greater than 0.08 mg/L, the defendant
can be convicted of DUI. If the subject has a blood
alcohol of 0.06 or 0.07, the defendant may be convicted of DWI.
However, if the officer is able to testify that the defendant
was "under the influence of alcohol" the state may be able to
sustain a conviction on that evidence alone with no test.
Contact John Dunn, a
Tulsa DWI attorney,
immediately for assistance in the event of a DUI/DWI charges. |
Q: |
What are the different parts of the DUI process? |
A: |
A DUI is comprised of TWO separate and distinct actions.
Criminal - the defendant is
prosecuted for the crime of Driving Under the Influence of
Alcohol. The state must prove the elements of the
crime of DUI beyond a reasonable doubt. If
convicted they may be punished with fines, community
service, or imprisonment. In addition, a conviction
for DUI will result in the revocation of your driver's
Civil - the State of Oklahoma
(through the Department of Public Safety) is suing the
defendant for their driver's license. This is an
administrative action. The state must show by
preponderance of the evidence that the defendant was
driving or an actual physical control of a motor vehicle
while under the influence of intoxicants. If the state
meets its burden, the defendant's license may be revoked.
It is possible to lose the civil
action but win the criminal action. At the same time, it
is possible to escape a conviction through a plea deal, and
still lose your license in the civil action. Your attorney
must be prepared to defend you in BOTH actions.
Tulsa DWI
lawyer, John Dunn, has proven expertise in defending clients who
have received a DUI charge. |
Q: |
What happens if the accused is under the age of 21? |
A: |
If the accused is under the age of 21, the state need only
show that the defendant's BAC was 0.02. This is also known
as "any detectable amount" of alcohol. Should the
defendant test greater than 0.02, their license may be revoked
and they may be convicted of DUI. |
Q: |
Can a DUI ever become more serious than a misdemeanor? |
A: |
Yes. Any second or subsequent conviction of DUI in a
court of record within a period of ten years may be filed as a
FELONY and becomes punishable by a prison term in the state
penitentiary. Representation by an experienced
Tulsa DWI
attorney is strongly advised for anyone receiving a DUI. |
Q: |
What is "APC"? |
A: |
"APC" stands for "Actual Physical Control". If a
person has the ability to operate the vehicle (whether the
vehicle is being operated or not) the person is said to be in
"actual physical control" of the vehicle. Therefore, a
person who is passed out behind the wheel with the keys next to
them in the seat may be arrested and convicted, despite the fact
that they were not driving and the vehicle was not running. |
Q: |
Can I be arrested for DUI in a parking lot or driveway? |
A: |
Yes. For purposes of DUI, the state has defined
"public roadways" to include driveways, parking lots, or any
other roadway that connects to a public roadway. Please
Tulsa DWI lawyer, John Dunn, for in
depth answers to any of your questions. |
How do I get out of jail? |
A: |
For many misdemeanor charges, there are pre-set
bonds. If there is no pre-set bond, the magistrate sets the
bond based on several factors. You may post the bond or
hire a bail bondsman to post it for
you to be release from custody during the criminal process. |
Legal Sites
The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice.
You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.
If you are searching for
, you need to contact John Dunn. His expertise as a
and determination to represent clients
with the best of his ability requires Mr. Dunn spend a great amount of
time with the potential client before they are even a client - before
they have spent a single penny on their legal defense - reviewing their
case and determining what kind of defense to put on. Following the
client interview, Mr. Dunn reviews the police reports and the state's
evidence and explores each avenue that may afford a legal or factual
defense for his client.
John has assisted his
clients as a ,
If you are needing a
, please visit our FAQ section of DUI
defense info. Please call our law office quickly to obtain the best
defense as quickly as possible.
John Dunn is a
. You can visit the firm's
website at