John Dunn


Some have described me as “unwavering” when it comes to principles. Others say that I exhibit the trait of "loyalty to a fault" or that I am "utterly relentless” when pursuing an objective. As your attorney, I promise to be a loyal advocate and to be unwavering in the pursuit of your goals. I am a zealous advocate that does not shy away from conflict and litigation. I believe that the strongest weapon that an attorney can have is knowledge of his case. I will aggressively prepare your case for litigation while attempting to resolve the issues on favorable terms - a kind of "peace through strength" approach to the practice of law.

What do other lawyers say?

 "In this day of large law firms and multi-million dollar budgets for state and federal governments, don't ever forget that ONE dedicated and talented criminal defense lawyer took on the entire state of Oklahoma Department of Corrections, Attorney General's Office and beat the hell out of them.  Who says the days of the solo practitioner and Lone Wolf are gone?  Not me."   

               - Jack Dempsey Pointer


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The use of the Internet for communications with the firm will not establish an attorney-client relationship and messages containing confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent.

John M. Dunn, PLLC
616 S. Main St., Suite 206
Tulsa, OK 74119
Voice: (918) 526-8000
Fax: (918) 359-5050


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You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.



If you are searching for a Tulsa criminal defense attorney, or Tulsa criminal attorney , you need to contact John Dunn.  His expertise as a Tulsa Oklahoma attorney  and determination to represent clients with the best of his ability requires Mr. Dunn spend a great amount of time with the potential client before they are even a client - before they have spent a single penny on their legal defense - reviewing their case and determining what kind of defense to put on.  Following the client interview, Mr. Dunn reviews the police reports and the state's evidence and explores each avenue that may afford a legal or factual defense for his client.

John has assisted his clients as a Tulsa DUI lawyer, If you are needing a Tulsa DUI attorney , please visit our FAQ section of DUI defense info. Please call our law office quickly to obtain the best defense as quickly as possible.

John Dunn is a Tulsa criminal lawyer. You can visit the firm's website at


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